To subscribers of SERIALST: CAPCON Library Network offers continuing education workshops encompassing a wide range of library topics, including library management, technology, public services, and cataloging. We cannot accept registrations for workshops over the Internet. However, to obtain details, descriptions, and a registration form for any of the following workshops, please send us an e-mail message, being sure to include a FAX number or postal address, and a brochure/registration form will be sent to you. Send your message to You may also obtain course information and registration forms by sending a written request by surface mail or FAX to the following address: CAPCON Library Network 1320 19th Street NW, Suite 400 Washington DC 20036-1679 FAX: 202-797-7719 Voice: 202-331-5771 CAPCON is pleased to announce the following sessions for the Fall 1994 CE Series: ********** DESIGNING LIBRARY SERVICES TO MEET CUSTOMER NEEDS Instructor: Diane Tobin Johnson, Professor, University of Missouri, SLIS Date: Monday, Oct. 24th Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:00-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) In libraries, as in other "markets", the customer is the ultimate judge of the quality of a service, and makes that judgment based on how well he/she perceives the service provided has met the need. This workshop looks at perceptions of library service through the eyes of both external customers (patrons, students, faculty, etc.) and internal customers (staff, volunteers, advisory committees, boards). Focus will be on incorporating principles of marketing and strategic planning into the design and evaluation of library services which meet customer needs, and strategies for delivering those services effectively. (.5 CEUs) ********* MANAGING ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Instructor: Laura Lazar Holbrook, Principal Consultant, Lazar Holbrook & Associates Date: Monday, Oct. 31st Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:30-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) Organizational change is a central issue for library managers today, and will be in the future. Corporate mergers, academic reorganizations, downsizing, and evolving technologies are just some of the changes which librarians must deal with effectively in order to maintain optimum employee productivity and strong morale. How library managers lead employees through times of change can determine whether those changes are embraced or resisted. This workshop will examine organizational change and the process of transition, will explore techniques to prepare teams for change, to communicate during transitional times, to foster employee buy-in, to constructively deal with resistance, and to recognize and build on opportunities afforded by organizational change. (.5 CEUs) ********** DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICES: THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE Instructor: Mary Jackson, Visiting Program Officer, Association of Research Libraries Date: Thursday, Nov. 3rd Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:30-4:30 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) As document delivery providers proliferate, librarians must make informed choices when evaluating and selecting services, and must develop strategies for using document delivery in the most effective manner. This workshop will provide a detailed overview of the types of services and technologies available, and an examination of the strengths and weaknesses of competing services. Selection and evaluation criteria will be discussed, including mechanisms for assessing local needs from both the library-centered and the user-centered perspectives. Copyright compliance will be covered briefly, and there will be time for group discussion. (.5 CEUs) ********** INFORMATION RESOURCES ON THE ENVIRONMENT Instructor: Fred Stoss, University of Tennessee SLIS and Oak Ridge National Library Date: Monday, Nov. 14th Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:30-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) Public awareness and activism of the late 1960s stimulated international concern for the protection of the environment. As we approach the 25th anniversary of Earth Day, interest and concern for the environment continues at all levels of life and culture. The need for, and availability of, information on the field has exploded, encompassing scientific and technical data, legislative and regulatory information, and political and public interest concerns. This workshop will provide an overview of available resources in the areas of global change, biodiversity, environmental health and toxicology, acid precipitation and air pollution, and other topics. The instructor will identify print, electronic and organizational resources, with discussion of the role of institutions, agencies, and organizations such as Data Information Analysis Centers and the proposed National Library for the Environment. (.5 CEUs) ********** LC CLASSIFICATION OF LEGAL MATERIALS: A PRIMER Instructor: Marie Whited, Library of Congress Law Library Date: Thursday, Nov. 17th Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:00-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) A detailed introduction to the classification of legal materials using the Library of Congress K schedules. This workshop will cover KF (United States law), K (general and comparative law), and KJE (European community law) in detail, along with brief presentations on the other K schedules and plans to replace JX with the new KZ schedule for international law in 1995. Correct application of the subject and form division tables will be emphasized. The workshop will be comprised of lecture, examples, and practice exercises, with ample time for discussion of local practice and group work on sample problems submitted by participants. (.5 CEUs) ********** GETTING THINGS DONE: MEETINGS THAT WORK Instructor: Susan Jurow, Association of Research Libraries Date: Tuesday, Nov. 29th Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:30-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) Increasingly complex workplace issues often require the efforts and attention of groups of stakeholders, and thus more and more staff time is spent in meetings. Simultaneously, economic constraints and downsizing trends may translate into fewer staff positions to accomplish the work of an organization. In such an environment, it becomes essential to use meeting time effectively. This workshop will use a combination of lecture, small group discussions, exercises, and questionnaires to explore the elements of successful meetings and to provide guidelines for meeting planning, conduct, and follow-up designed to achieve optimal effectiveness. (.5 CEUs) ********** MAKING STATISTICS AN EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT TOOL Instructor: Cynthia Shockley, President, Information Resources/Information Strategies Date: Thursday, Dec. 8th Place: WCG Conference Center, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC Time: 9:00-4:00 Cost: $90.00 (CAPCON Full or Affiliate members); $115.00 (Others) Statistics, when used properly, provide useful insights into library operations and management, and can be a powerful tool both in planning for effective service delivery and for documenting library accomplishments. This workshop will outline basic research and statistical techniques, describe how to integrate research, data gathering, and the use of statistics into library decision making and planning, and help participants understand how and when to use descriptive and inferential statistics and basic forecasting tools. Examples will focus on library-relevant statistical terms, how to define data sets for statistical collection, and how to compile and present statistical data as useful information. (.5 CEUs)