Tandem titles (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 06 Oct 1994 14:41 UTC

3 messages, 100 lines:

Date:         Thu, 6 Oct 1994 08:28:23 CDT
From:         Connie Foster <RFOSTERC@WKYUVM.WKU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: "tandem titles"
In-Reply-To:  Message of Wed,
              5 Oct 1994 15:57:53 EST from <RUMSCHLAG@BUTLER.EDU>

When we get notices like that, I forward to the librarian in charge of that
fund account or the collection development coordinator. Usually they approve
adding the new title. I agree, however, that this practice is frustrating
and one more burden on the budget. In a few cases like a Canadian newsletter
and periodical (PROBE/SCAN) about Canadian composers, etc., I believe they
actually COMBINED publications. That was a nice change. No, the price didn't

I also forward any unusual price increase letters that we get from our
vendor and give the librarians and their liaisons the opportunity to know
of the exorbitant jump. Once again, they usually deem it worthwhile to keep
in the collection.

connie foster, western kentucky university

Date:         Thu, 6 Oct 1994 08:03:55 EDT
From:         Martha Kellogg <MHK@URIACC.URI.EDU>
Subject:      Tandem titles

Regarding Denise's questions on "tandem titles":
1) Is this a growing trend?  In the eight years I have been handling
serials at the URI Library, it was my impression that these enforced
combination titles have slightly decreased.  The Ecology/Ecological
Applications was the first one I've seen in quite a while. Some
others have split (e.g. Journal of Chromatography) allowing the
library to purchase only the parts you want.  It is extremely
aggravating when the publishers pull this marketing ploy, however.

2) What have we done in this situation?  We notify subject selectors/
collection management of what has happened and recommend cancellation.
We write a letter to the publisher protesting the practice and notifying
them of our cancellation and the reasons for it, with a copy to our
subscription agent.

I believe enough of these cancellation letters to the publishers
has been the reason for the decrease in the number of price
increases due to combining of titles in the last few years. If you
really are cancelling, be sure to write the publishers and tell them
why!  They will never change their ways if we don't let them know our

Martha Kellogg
Acquisitions Librarian
University of Rhode Island Library

From: Rolfe Gjellstad <REG@herald.divinity.yale.edu>
Subject: RE: "tandem titles"
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 94 16:42:00 EDT

Would it help to think of it as another membership package deal?

Rolfe Gjellstad
Serials and Preservation Librarian   E-mail:  Rolfe_Gjellstad@Yale.edu
Yale Divinity Library              Voice:    203-432-5295
409 Prospect Street           FAX: 203-432-3906
New Haven, CT 06511-2108

Subject: "tandem titles"
Date: Wednesday, October 05, 1994 3:57PM

We recently received notice from the Ecological Society of America that we
must now order "Ecological Applications" if we want to continue receiving
another of their publications, "Ecology".  Like most libraries these days,
we have a very tight budget for journals and we are continually culling our
journal subscriptions.  We have had to make painful decisions to cut useful
journals because we can not "keep them all".  Having just completed the
round of journal cuts, I very much resent being forced to purchase an
title to get one we do want.

Is this a growing trend with publishers?  What have other libraries done in
this situation?  Although we would like to keep Ecology we may have no
choice but to drop the subscription.

Thanks for letting me vent...

The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitudes.
                                -Victor Frankl

Denise Rumschlag                                Science Library
Rumschlag@Butler.edu                            Butler University
317/283-9401                                    Indianapolis, IN 46208