Re: Circulating Periodicals Christina Bellinger 04 Oct 1994 18:52 UTC

We at UNH circulate our periodicals and have for many years.  We are
embarking on a huge item record creation project so that we will be able
to circulate all bound volumes and issues on III.  item record creation
is very easy on III.  We aren't absolutely sure that our vandalism rate
is lower because of circulation, but it does obviate the excuse that
there aren't enough photcopiers or enough change machines.

        Christina Bellinger
        University of New Hampshire

> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 13:57:46 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: Circulating Periodicals
> Oh, no!  What a tech services nightmare!  Specifically binding ... I
> would think this would have dramatic consequences as to when (if
> ever) was a good time to bind items that circulate...I also believe
> the issues, once returned, will take more physical abuse than those
> that don't...We, too, have copy machines in place & I just don't buy
> the idea that if items don't circulate patrons tend to destroy or
> pilfer will always have those individuals regardless of
> what policy you have in place...
> What percentage of academic institutions circulate their periodicals?
> Your comments are most welcome!
> Becky Breedlove
> Head, Serials
> Univ Mass @ Boston