USTTA Updates and Information Alerts (Martha Williams) Ann Ercelawn 30 Sep 1994 15:57 UTC

Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 08:42:18 -0600 (CST)
From: Martha Williams <williams@WARP6.CS.MISU.NODAK.EDU>
Subject: USTTA Updates and Information Alerts

As serials librarian I have had the misfortune to run across a serial that
I am not quite sure what to do with, especially how to catalog it.  The
serial is from the U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration.  It consists of
updates and information alerts.  These packets of information come out
quarterly.  Most are single sheets, once in a while some are stapled
together.  I was just wondering if anyone else gets this.  If so how have
you cataloged it, do you keep them in binders in date order or put like
updates together?  Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Martha Williams
Serials Librarian
Minot State University