Duplicates Exchange List (Marilyn Geller) Ann Ercelawn 30 Sep 1994 06:12 UTC

Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 21:36:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Marilyn Geller <mgeller@READMORE.COM>
Subject: Duplicates Exchange List


      The Serials Back Issues and Duplicate Exchange List

We are pleased to announce the creation of BACKSERV, a new list
devoted exclusively to the informal exchange of serials back issues
among libraries.  BACKSERV provides a forum for the listing of both
available and desired serial issues in all subject areas.  BACKSERV is
not a forum for the discussion of the process of exchanging back
issues of serials or of the merits of various dealers or exchange
avenues.  Messages of this type should be posted instead to SERIALST

Each message sent to BACKSERV should list one or more issues which are
either wanted or available.  Please do not include both wanted and
available titles in the same message.  The Subject line of each
message should include either the word WANTED or AVAILABLE.
Optionally, this may be followed by a general subject area, when
applicable, as in the examples below:

Subject:  WANTED
Subject:  WANTED - History
Subject:  AVAILABLE - History

As a guide, messages should be kept to no more than 100 lines.  Please
include complete contact information in your message.

BACKSERV will not be a moderated list.  It is meant purely as a
communication vehicle for librarians and library staff offering or
seeking back issues of serial titles.  You do not need to be
subscribed to the list to send messages.  Replies to messages should
be sent directly to the sender and NOT to the list.  Dealers and other
exchange organizations are welcome to monitor the list but are asked
not to send messages to BACKSERV at this time.

The BACKSERV archives are publicly accessible and may be retrieved by
subscribers and non-subscribers.  Messages are collected weekly.  To
find out what is available in the archives, send a message to
LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM that reads: index BACKSERV.  To retrieve
weekly files from the archives, send a message to
LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM that reads: get <filename> <filetype> as
listed in the index.  The BACKSERV archive is also searchable using
LDBASE search software by subscribers and non-subscribers.  The search
request should be sent to LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM and should be
constructed as follows:

     //     JOB  Echo=No
     Database Search DD=Rules
     //Rules DD   *
     Search <terms> -
          in BACKSERV
     Print all

In place of <terms>, you may insert any word, words or word string,
such as a journal title, to do a full text search of the archive.
Listings will remain in the archives for six months.

The archives of BACKSERV will soon be part of a Gopher and will be
fully searchable using built-in WAIS indexing.  At that time, we will
provide you with full instructions and a description of other
resources available on this Gopher.

To subscribe to this list, send a message to LISTSERV@SUN.READMORE.COM
that reads:

     subscribe BACKSERV <your name>

To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to

     unsubscribe BACKSERV

BACKSERV is being hosted by Readmore, Inc.  The list owners are
Marilyn Geller and Amira Aaron.  Please contact Marilyn (Email:
mgeller@readmore.com; Phone: (617) 484-7379) or Amira (Email:
aaron@readmore.com; Phone (617) 860-7224) with questions, comments or
suggestions.  We would like to hear from you.