Re: Circulating Periodicals (Martha Kellogg)
Ann Ercelawn 28 Sep 1994 17:47 UTC
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 09:08:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Martha Kellogg <MHK@URIACC.URI.EDU>
Subject: Circulating periodicals
One more comment on circulating periodicals in a university library:
the University of Rhode Island Library does not circulate unbound
or bound periodicals. We believe it is most beneficial to most
patrons to have the issues available in the library at all times.
Although some people browse the whole issue, research use generally
involves identifying citations in a journal and reading (and
often copying) the specific article one wants. We have many
copy machines available and try to make it convenient for patrons
to use the copy facilities. (But I must admit we still have what
I consider to be an unacceptable amount of mutilation.) I think
encouraging in-library use of journals is the way to go and makes
sense to patrons when it's explained to them.
Martha Kellogg
Acquisitions Librarian
University of Rhode Island Library