Re: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (Becky Breedlove) Ann Ercelawn 23 Sep 1994 21:22 UTC

Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 14:07:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (James Cotter)

Have been receiving this through Faxon for some time & I imagine
EBSCO would be just as accomodating.

Becky Breedlove
Head, Serials
Univ of Mass@Boston

> Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 09:33:53 -0500
> From: cotter james i <jcotter@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
> Subject: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - anyone up-to-date?
> I have a question about the journal Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
> We recieved this journal through Perkins, but now that Perkins is no
> longer in business, a transition of sorts has taken place.  According to our
> acquisitions department, Japan Publications has agreed to take over all
> the titles that Perkins had.  My question to everyone is, do any of the
> libraries that get this journal get it through anybody else than
> Perkins?  We haven't recieved anything since February 1994, and it is
> almost the end of the year.  If anybody is up-to-date with this journal,
> please let me know what the latest issue you have is and how you get the
> issue (what vendor, publisher etc)  Thank you very much in advance for
> your cooperation and input.
>                                                        Jim Cotter
>                                                 University of Illinois
>                                                 Physics/Astronomy Library
>                                               "Real tomato ketchup Eddie?
>                                                 Well, nothin but the best!!"
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