Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (James Cotter) Ann Ercelawn 23 Sep 1994 16:03 UTC

Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 09:33:53 -0500
From: cotter james i <jcotter@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
Subject: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - anyone up-to-date?

I have a question about the journal Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
We recieved this journal through Perkins, but now that Perkins is no
longer in business, a transition of sorts has taken place.  According to our
acquisitions department, Japan Publications has agreed to take over all
the titles that Perkins had.  My question to everyone is, do any of the
libraries that get this journal get it through anybody else than
Perkins?  We haven't recieved anything since February 1994, and it is
almost the end of the year.  If anybody is up-to-date with this journal,
please let me know what the latest issue you have is and how you get the
issue (what vendor, publisher etc)  Thank you very much in advance for
your cooperation and input.

                                                       Jim Cotter
                                                University of Illinois
                                                Physics/Astronomy Library

                                              "Real tomato ketchup Eddie?
                                                Well, nothin but the best!!"