Serials bar codes? (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 14 Sep 1994 15:23 UTC

2 messages, 33 lines:

Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 14:04:57 GMT-10
From: "Simon Huggard [Lib]" <>
Subject: Re: serials bar codes?

At Monash University, we place the barcodes on the inside back cover
of the current serials. Then when they are bound, the covers are
removed as well as the barcodes, and one new barcode replaces all of
the individual barcodes for that volume.

Simon Huggard                      Email:
Deputy Serials Librarian,          Phone: (03)   905 2687
and Subject Librarian              ISD:   + 61 3 905 2687
for Geography and Tourism ,        Fax:   + 61 3 905 2610
Main Library, Monash University, Clayton Vic 3168 Australia
Date:         Wed, 14 Sep 1994 14:25:00 WST
From:         780323 <AD30CTR0@ITRIB.ITRI.ORG.TW>
Subject:      Re: serials bar codes?

I have viewed National Chung-Jen University in Chia-I, its libraries has
stamped Bar-code label on the surface of each issues.  I have asked
serials librarian what is this for, they replied, the SWETS has recorded
volume and Numbers in their computer files and generated a bar-code sticker
and attched it.

Larry Chen
ITRI Taiwan