Corporate Communications
(205) 991-1184
EBSCO Terminates Faxon/Turner Acquisition Proceedings
BIRMINGHAM, Ala -- EBSCO has terminated its consideration of the
acquisition of Faxon's non-U.S. operations, excluding Europe, and of the
Turner subsidiary. The results of due diligence work by EBSCO and the
subsequent efforts to set an agreement and to plan its legal conclusion
in a timely fashion have not been satisfactory to EBSCO. Timeliness has
been a major EBSCO concern and emphasis in this effort. Discussions and
consideration of the possible acquisition of the non-US operations,
excluding Europe, and of Turner have ended.
EBSCO stands fully committed to international subscription service. EBSCO
possesses strong operational and financial resources. The company has
good working relationships with publishers. Customers are serviced
locally through EBSCO's 28 regional offices worldwide. EBSCO is able and
ready to respond to inquiries and to offer its services.
Released: September 1, 1994