Microfiche reader for (almost) free! Richard J. Violette 01 Sep 1994 14:36 UTC

Please reply to Richard Violette, not to the list.   --ed.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The Urban Institute Library has a microfiche reader-printer available for any
library that will bear the expense of transporting it to their site.

The machine is a 3M '500' microfiche reader-printer, approximately 15 years old
in good condition.  Print quality is 'fair'.

Please let me know ASAP if you are interested and can arrange transport.  We
must make a decision within 5-10 days.

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Richard J. Violette           | 2100 M St. N.W., 5th fl. | "He chose to be
Cataloging/Serials Technician | Washington DC  20037     | rich, by making his
Urban Institute Library       | Vox: 202/857-8578        | wants few."
LIBTECH@ui.urban.org          | Fax: 202/452-1840        |           --Emerson
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