New record question - thanks Maggie Rioux 23 Aug 1994 14:32 UTC

Thanks to all of you who responded to my question about a change of
scope in Oceanus.  The consensus was for no record change, but to
reflect the addition of the subtitle with a note and probably a 246 for
the subtitle.   An addition of a subject heading for WHOI is probably
also indicated.
    Correcting the OCLC record is being looked into by LC/NSDP.
Thanks again. It's great to be able to ask questions like this and get
lots of good answers quickly.

* Maggie Rioux                   | Email:          *
* MBL/WHOI Library               | Voice: 508/457-2000, ext. 2538# *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. | Fax:   508/457-2156             *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543           | Foot:  Clark Lab, Room 135      *