Contributed Paper Session for SLA Montreal! (fwd) Adam L. Schiff 17 Aug 1994 21:51 UTC

Please forgive the duplication of the following announcement if you've
already seen it.

                          PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS
           86th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association
                               June 10-15, 1995
                               Montreal, Canada
The Biological Sciences Division is Planning a contributed papers session:

How are changes in the library's electronic environment affecting:
collection development; document delivery; out-sourcing; digital libraries;
budgeting; user and/or staff training; pricing; reference services?

Here is your opportunity to tell your colleagues how the electronic
environment has transformed your library, how you are measuring the
information needs of your clientele and how you are meeting these needs, or
even what philosophical (and controversial) thoughts you may have as to the
role of access in lieu of ownership in your collections.

ABSTRACT:       A 250-500 word abstract should accurately convey the
                subject of the paper, its scope, conclusions and
                relevance to the program theme.

THEME:          The complete text of the paper is due to the program
                conveners by March 31, 1995.

LENGTH:         The paper presentation should take no longer than 20

ACCEPTANCE:     Papers will be accepted only if the abstract has been
                submitted for evaluation by the deadline SEPTEMBER 15,

ELIGIBILITY:    Open to members and non-members of the Special Libraries

Submit abstracts to:

    Larry L. Wright
    Library and Technical Information Services
    National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
    PO Box 12233
    Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
    Voice:  919-541-3426
    FAX: 919-541-0669

Contributed Paper Session Conveners: Liese Tajiri, Wei Wei, Larry Wright