Online Catalog Access (3 messages) Birdie MacLennan 11 Aug 1994 03:49 UTC

In response to Kathleen Thorne
3 messages, 70 lines:

Date:         Wed, 10 Aug 1994 16:12:01 EDT
From:         "Sharon I. McCaslin" <mccaslins@PSCVAX.PERU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Online catalog access

        We have a very tiny library by comparison (3 professionals, 4 support
staff), but the problem of quality control is becoming obvious to us, as well.
In particular, we have a shared database, and I keep discovering shared records
which have "corrections" to the items owned by our library, which have been
obviously done by another library.  None of this is intentional, but it is
altogether too easy to change information.  I applaud Innovative in many ways
(particularly when compared to re-typing catalog cards), but maintaining the
integrity of the bibliographic record is a nightmare.

        To answer your questions, at least somewhat, we do not generally let
student assistants "update" in any function.  However, we have still not found
a way to restrict updating to just catalogers (other than a verbal "don't do
this", which, good intentions aside, simply is not adequate).

        What Innovative defines as "updating" includes too many options which
can have a long term (and well hidden) effect on the records.  One hates to say
"It's too easy" but that's the case.

Dr. Sharon McCaslin               Phone: 402/872-2306
Associate Professor               Inet:
Technical Services Librarian
Peru State College, Peru, NE 68421

Date:         Wed, 10 Aug 1994 16:47:23 -0600
From:         Robert Summers <LAWLIB@STMARYTX.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Online catalog access

a. Only 3 librarians in tech services can change our bib records
b. Quality control is the responsibility of the head cataloger.
c. no one gets anymore access than is necessary to perform their regular jobs
especially student assts.
d. system administrator (me) decides what level of access each staff member
getsin our law library. Lee Unterborn Ref/Comp. Serv. Libr.

Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 17:03:29 -0600
From: Jude Lynch <>
Subject: Re: Online catalog access

        Reply to:   RE>Online catalog access

Horrors!!  What a terrible mess!!  As a serials person, I really shudder to
even think of that lack of bib control.

We have a staff of 50 with only about 10 people (Cataloging and Systems
staff) who can make changes to the bibliographic information.  Of these only
half can add or delete a record.  We have no student assistants at all.  Our
system also will indicate who made the last change in the record.  Our System
Manager authorizes the password with the input of the Head of Cataloging to
determine the need for a function.  However, we are very open to working with
other departments, particularly Information Services, to modify records for
the benefit of our users.

Hope you can get that situation under control!!

Jude A. Lynch
Collection Services (Serials)
Univ of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio