solo librarian meeting Ann Marie Hules 29 Aug 1994 19:22 UTC

Please reply to Ann Marie Hules, not to SERIALST.  --ed.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
August 16, 1994


September 21 is the date most people selected as the better
solo librarian meeting date.  Please email me by Sept 10 and
let me know if you are planning to attend on that date.  If you
haven't contacted me about this meeting yet, and you wish to
attend, please label the list of possible topics from 1-8
depending on your interest in the topic.

___time management.

___coping with feelings of alienation in the parent institution.

___Dealing with unrealistic demands made by non-librarians in
the parent organization.

___developing library services and library planning with so little

___keeping up with new technology and trends.


___How to cope with wearing so many hats (cataloger, ILL,
reference, Doc Delivery, acquisitions, serials, and library clerk)

___encouraging SLA to hold a mid-atlantic regional conference
focusing on one person libraries.

Issues I haven't covered can be discussed at our meeting as
possible future meeting topics.

I work in a one person library in the DC area.  I thought other
librarians that are in a similar situation in the DC/Baltimore/
Northern VA area might like to meet and discuss our unique
problems, brainstorm, commiserate etc.  I'd be glad to host the
meeting, my company has plenty of free parking.

Please feel free to pass this questionnaire on to someone you
think might be interested.

I can be reached at the following address:

Anne Marie Hules
NAHB Research Center
400 Prince Georges Boulevard
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-8731

phone: 301/249-4000, X614
fax: 301/249-0305

Anne Marie Hules (   "Let us have faith that right makes
and Frieda (Kitty)                      might, and in that faith let us
                                        to the end dare to do our duty as
Crofton, MD                             we understand it."    A. Lincoln