Re: Union lists on CD-ROM Sandra Henderson 29 Aug 1994 14:22 UTC

In reply to Jim Cole:

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> A question: The CONSER database is now available on CD-ROM under the
> title CDMARC Serials.  The German union list of serials (the
> "Zeitschriften-Datenbank") is now issued both on microfiche and
> CD-ROM.  Does anyone know of any *union lists of serials*
> (preferably with holdings) other than the Zeitschriften-Datenbank
> that are on CD-ROM?

The National Library of Australia, in cooperation with the Informit
company of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, publishes Serials
in Australian Libraries (ISSN 1039-4745) which is derived from the
Australian Bibliographic Network's bibliographic database.  The disk
contains bib details plus locations information for serials held in
many Australian libraries, including national, state, university and
other libraries.

The disk can be obtained from Informit GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Vic
3001, Australia.

Please let me know if you would like any other information.
(I am not a subscriber to the list - the query was passed to me by a

Sandra Henderson                        / .  )             \\
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National Bibliographic Publications    | |/ _)              ||
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