Mulver questions renette davis 02 Aug 1994 19:49 UTC

This posting is directed to those who have implemented
Mulver in some way at their libraries. If you are recording
holdings for microforms on the same bibliographic records
as the paper copies, either in new cataloging or in
retrospective conversion, what are you doing with the 533
information relating to the microform?

Is anyone putting information relating to the microform in
an 843 in the holdings area? If so, what are you doing with
a series which applies to the microform only? If you are
making a series added entry in the bibliographic record,
are you also making some kind of a note which says that it
is the microform copy which has the series?

Is anyone putting a 533 for the microform in the
bibliographic record for the paper? If so, are you
indicating in any way that the note applies only to some of
the holdings? Are you putting multiple 533's in a record if
there are several different microform versions attached to
the bibliographic record?

Is anyone just ignoring the information relating to the
microform? Has anyone figured out another way to record
that information? Please respond directly to me. Thank you
for your help.

Renette Davis
Senior Serials Cataloger                     Internet:
University of Chicago Library                               Voice: 312-702-8769
1100 E. 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637