OCLC Union List User Group Minutes (Linda Arnold) Ann Ercelawn 27 Jul 1994 20:31 UTC

Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 14:15:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Linda Arnold <Linda_Arnold@OCLC.ORG>
Subject: OCLC UL User Group Minutes

CEO comments:

CEO document contents:

OCLC Union List Users Group -- ALA Annual Meeting -- June 27, 1994

Eugene Dickerson, chair, called the meeting to order, greeted attendees, and
distributed a sign-in sheet.  Announcements:  Laurie Linsley is the OCLC Union
List Users Group Chair for 1995.  The group is looking for a chair for 1996.
Volunteers can contact either Laurie Linsley by phone 407/328-4722, x. 3335 or
email linslelsc1@lincc.ccla.lib.fl.us or Linda Arnold by phone 800-848-5878, x.
5026 or email linda_arnold@oclc.org.

Linda Arnold gave an update on the PRISM Union Listing project.  PRISM Union
List will be available on August 29, 1994.  The conversion will take place over
the weekend of August 27-28 and everything will be transferred at once using a
hot cutover.


o      UPPER/lower case display indicating ILL suppliers (Upper case) and
       non-suppliers (lower case) will all UL displays in both UL and ILL

o      Ability to switch systems using: Sys ILL, Sys CAT, and Sys ULS without
       losing search

o      PRISM UL will use Z39.44-1986 serials holdings standard, level 3 summary
       holdings for all newly created LDRs beginning August 29.  Some of the
       differences between Z39.44 and the current standard are:

         o     8 digit dates 19940630 yyyymmdd
         o     Retention code - currently blank for permanently retained
               materials will be converted to 8 during the cutover
         o     Captions are required using standard AACR2 abbreviations
                       Z39.42 standard:  23-    1977-
                       Z39.44 standard:  v.23-    1977-
                       Note: all new LDR information will be input using
                       captions but it is not necessary change older entries.
         o     Gaps are reported ONLY if nothing is owned (i.e., single issues
               are listed)
       Note:  ANSI Z39.57 standard continues for non-serials

o      Local Data Records:
         o     A system identifier, CAT, ULS, or ILL will be indicated.
         o     Unique LDR number for each LDR is displayed (LDR: xxxxxxxx)
         o     2 new codes for holdings type and physical form
         o     Summary screen with more than one LDR will indicate how many
               LDRs are attached for that institution.  Copy information will
               appear on summary screen.
o      Deleting LDRs:
       o       After the last LDR is deleted, libraries will be asked if they
               also want to delete symbol from the bibliographic record.  If
               they say no, the symbol will remain on the bib record.  If they
               say yes, the symbol will be deleted and the library's archive
               record will be marked as a delete.
o      Union list change reports, title changes, cessations, etc., will become
       part of PRISM news as a menu choice.

Miscellaneous:  All documentation is being rewritten, a new manual and
reference card will be sent to all members.  The Name-Address Directory record
IU1 will be updated and is a good place to find out current information about
the project.  Other information will be distributed by OCLC affiliated Regional
Networks through their newsletters or during training sessions.

Two OCLC Networks reported on their activities related to PRISM Union

 o      Marcia Witt, Michigan Library Consortium, reported on network activity
       in that state.  Michigan is in the process of revitalizing union listing
       statewide, so union listers can see how the union list information is
       being used by ILL staffs.  The MLC Network has distributed a packet with
       countdown information to the Union List cutover.

 o     Cecilia Boone, of MINITEX, reported on network activity in Minnesota and
       both Dakotas.  MINITEX has had a series of information mailings this
       summer.  Many MINITEX libraries do not have OCLC access so the Network
       does their work as an agent.

Arnold advised using the new union list coding as it would be a help to
libraries and users in the future and could help with machine conversions.
PASSPORT software Version 2.1 will be available this summer and must be
installed in order for PRISM Union List to be operational.  Version 2.1 will
include Union List function key file and a new template will be included.

Recorder, Laurie S. Linsley/Internet:linslelsc1@lincc.ccla.lib.fl.us