Automated Bindery Systems (Caroline Gilderson-Duwe) Ann Ercelawn 22 Jul 1994 17:33 UTC

Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 12:13:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Caroline Gilderson-Duwe <C5D@GML.LIB.UWM.EDU>
Subject: automated bindery systems

Please send your responses to Caroline per her request; do not reply
to SERIALST. Thanks --ed.


In reviewing our contract for commercial binding, the question of
including an automated bindery system always arises.  Our concerns
remain the same, and we were wondering how others have addressed them.

Space:  Automated systems provided by vendors generally include a
stand-alone terminal.  Our work space is limited and another
terminal(s) would crowd us further.  How many terminals were provided
by your vendor?  How did you rearrange the work space?

Compatibility:  We are a NOTIS library and there is no method of
direct communication between the systems.  We would still have to
update NOTIS separately.  Where is the time savings?

Changing vendors after using the automated system:  How
easy/difficult is it to transfer electronic records when you change
commercial binders?  We are a state institution and must follow to
state rules and regulations when awarding contracts, so the vendor
could change as often as every three years.

If you have gone to an automated binding system:
How long have you been using it?

If you have chosen not to, what are some of the reasons?

Since I am not a member of Serialst, Please respond to me and I will
summarize for the List.  Thanks.

Caroline Gilderson-Duwe                 Phone: 414-229-6726
Preservation Dept.                      Fax: : 414-229-6791
Golda Meir Library                      E-mail:
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee