NASIG Call for Papers (Susan Davis) Ann Ercelawn 18 Jul 1994 15:39 UTC

Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 11:27:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Susan Davis <UNLSDB@UBVM.BITNET>
Subject: NASIG Call for Papers

Just a reminder that the deadline for the NASIG Call for Papers proposals
is August 1, only two weeks away.  Contact me if you need more information.
The conference will be June 1-4, 1995, the site is expected to be Duke
University.  Thank you.


Susan Davis                           BITNET: UNLSDB@UBVM
Head, Periodicals                   INTERNET: UNLSDB@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU
Central Technical Services             PHONE: (716) 645-2784
Lockwood Library Bldg.                   FAX: (716) 645-5955
State University of NY at Buffalo
BUFFALO, NY  14260-2200