Please respond to Andrew Shroyer, not to SERIALST. Thanks! -Marcia ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 15:29:02 EST From: ANDREW SHROYER <SHROYERA@ELMER1.BOBST.NYU.EDU> Subject: How Downsized are you? Dear Colleagues, Below is a set of questions devised to investigate how well serials units in large-ish libraries have fared in maintaining effective staffing. I am seeking a range of responses as wide as possible from libraries (whether perceived as "downsized" or not) with serials collections of 5,000 or more active titles. I will summarize results for the list, when compiled. Surface mail or FAXED responses from printed- out copies of the questionnaire are welcome. PLEASE SEND RESPONSES OR COMMENTS TO ME, NOT TO THE LISTSERV (Note: this requires that you key in my e-mail address, since simply using the "reply" function will result in the response going to the listserv). Please return filled-in questionnaires no later August 5, 1994. Thanks for taking the time! --Andrew Shroyer ********************************************************************* 1) Please provide your assessment of the adequacy of the staffing of the serials unit at your own institution. Do you consider the unit to be: a)_____ right-sized for the needs of your institution. b)_____ historically inadequately staffed. c)_____ recently down-sized from a historically adequate staff. 2) What is the size of the serials collection processed by your unit? _______________ (Number of active subscriptions maintained, rounded to the nearest hundred). 3) In addition to the basic serials control/check-in function, what other functions is the unit responsible for? a)_____ bindery preparation b)_____ summary holdings statements maintenance c)_____ serials cataloging d)_____ invoice processing/expenditure record-keeping e)_____ ordering of new serials f)_____ pre-order searching g)_____ monographic series control h)_____ government documents control i)_____ spine-labeling of volumes j)_____ bar coding of volumes k)_____ other: __________________ 4) What number of FTE (persons) are currently in place for serials unit functions? Please express fractions as decimals. a)____librarians b)____non-MLS intermediate supervisorial staff c)____regular support staff d)____casual/student staff e)____total 5) Please read the example below and compute carefully, before filling in the blanks. a) How many FTE (persons) are currently in place for the basic serials control/check-in function--that is, apart from all "peripheral" functions checked off in 3?: _____ b) What is the number of titles each person (or FTE) is responsible for checking in? : _________/person. [EXAMPLE: For a collection of 6,400 active serials titles, a serials unit of 5.0 FTE devotes approximately 75% of the typical staff workday to basic check-in/serials control activities. Thus, for 5(a) above, the correct response would be 3.75 FTE (since 5.0 *multiplied by* .75 = 3.75); and for 5(b) above, the correct response would be 1,707/person (since 6,400 *divided by* 3.75 = 1,707).] 6) If applicable, what is the pre-downsized, preferred historical figure for the number of FTE reported in 4(e)?: _____ ; for the ratio given in 5(b)?: _________/person. What was the last calender or academic year in which this fuller staffing level was maintained?: ______. 7) Have any of the functions checked in 3 been added to the duties of the unit since the year given in 6? Check all that apply: 3a___ 3b___ 3c___ 3d___ 3e___ 3f___ 3g___ 3h___ 3i___ 3j___ 8) Do you believe that diminished buying power at your institution has resulted, over time, in a comfortable volume of materials for each staff person to process? _____COMMENT:_____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9) What automated system, if any, is used for serials control? __________________________ in use since ________(month, year). OPTIONAL: Has use of this system eased the impact of FTE reductions through diminished redundancies/improved efficiency? _____ Has the use of the system enabled the unit to employ a lower level/strata of staff than could previously be employed for the basic serials control function? _____ COMMENT:__________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10) If downsized, which of the following scenarios best fits your local situation? a) ___ positions were eliminated after natural attrition b) ___ layoffs were implemented c) ___ positions were replaced by casual or temporary employees d) ___ positions were replaced by lesser skilled staff bearing a lower classification level e) ___ other: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 11) Which, if any, of the following phenomena have you observed in recent years with regard to your serials processing unit? For each item checked as applicable, please indicate the percentage (%) of the observed phenomenon that you attribute to the downsizing of staff. Applicable? (X) % due to downsizing a)___ significant backlogs in base functions _____% b)___ unusual rate of error among staff _____% c)___ unusual level of user dissatisfaction _____% d)___ high level of staff absenteeism _____% e)___ high level of staff anxiety re performance _____% f)___ unusually low level of overall morale _____% g)___ staff grievances related to workload _____% h) ________________________________________ (other) _____% 12) If applicable, has downsizing of your unit affected your dealings with vendors (subscription agents, binders)? _____ How?____________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13) Has your own work as a professional changed (in terms of workload, level of tasks, professional methods, interest in outside professional involvements) as a result of downsizing? _____ Please elaborate:__________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ARE RESPONSES TO THE ABOVE TO BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL? _____ (Note: all responses will be used in compiling findings). Respondent Name: ___________________________________________________ Position Title: ___________________________________________________ Institution: ___________________________________________________ Telephone Number:___________________________________________________ ================================================================ Andrew Shroyer Head, Serials Records Teleph: (212) 998-2481 Bobst Library FAX: (212) 995-4366 New York University 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 =================================================================