ALA Internet Room Staff Sought (Rick Gates) Ann Ercelawn 15 Jun 1994 16:40 UTC

Date:         Tue, 14 Jun 1994 08:18:20 +0800
From:         "Rick Gates"
Subject:      You Have Already Won!

Congratulations <your name here>!

You have already won  (drum roll, fanfare.... the tension builds...)


                  to serve your fellow ALAers in

                    THE INTERNET ROOM v2.0  !!!

Can you believe how lucky you are? You were chosen by an extremely
sophisticated and selective electronic process to receive this

Just think, YOU will be the envy of your peers while you:

THRILL to the dangers and pitfalls of the electronic frontier...

MARVEL at the wonderous resources while mining the Nets...

SCREAM with delight while surfing the big Web waves.

Yes, all this can be yours.  All this and so much more.  In addition
to the FABULOUS benefits already mentioned, you will also receive:

The adoration of those you will help, the admiration of LITA, and the
genuflection of the author of the Internet Hunt.

Can you believe your good luck??  It's indcredu-stupendous!

"So, what's the catch?" you ask.  How can I get all this for nothing?
What's in it for you guys... Hmmmm..

Very good questions.  But I can tell you that the Internet Room
Steering Committee is an organization composed of individuals of only
the highest moral caliber.  Our only goal is to share the
responsibilities 'er, opportunities with extremely talented
individuals such as yourselves.

What's your piece of all this?  Simply respond to the articulate
sender of this message (standard sig below), with YOUR CHOICE of any
two hour block of time that you'd like to work, 'er ENJOY serving your
fellow ALAers in the Internet Room.

What, you think you're not worthy?  Poppycock.  If you're comfortable
connecting to your home site from remote areas, and you've got a basic
understanding of the Internet, YOU are for US !!

ACT NOW, and you will receive, at no extra cost, a significant BAUBLE
(as yet undetermined) worth CENTS on the open market.  No doubt this
realia will rise in value over the years, as it takes a treasured spot
in your collection of family hierlooms.  Just listen to what other
Internet Room volunteers have said:

"This button will remain in my family for generations..."

"What a fine job you've done with the buttons.  It was worth all the
[deleted] work you put me through."

"What?  All I get is a lousy button?"

So don't delay!  Be the first on your virtual block to sign up for a
slot now!  The times are listed in the extremely sophisticated ascii
schedule below.  Send me your preference now!

All times are 'hours beginning at'.

        SAT          SUN            MON           TUE
   | Mulder     |             |             | VanHemert   |
9  |            |             |             | Eagan       |
   |            |             |             |             |
   | Mulder     |             | Maxymuk     | VanHemert   |
10 |            |             |             | Eagan       |
   |            |             |             |             |
   | Morgan     | Morgan      | Maxymuk     |             |
11 | Isaacs     | Kerchoff    |             |             |
   |            |             |             |             |
   | Morgan     | Morgan      |             |
12 | Isaacs     | Kerchoff    |             |
   |            |             |             |
1  |            |             |             |
   |            |             |             |
   |            |             |             |
   | Scheel     | Mangin      |             |
2  | Coyle      |             |             |
   |            |             |             |
   | Scheel     | Mangin      | Engel       |
3  | Coyle      |             |             |
   |            |             |             |
                | Gelfand     | Gelfand     |
4               |             | Engel       |
                |             |             |

You lucky devils you,
Rick Gates             
Student & Lecturer
Univ. of Arizona                 (602) 621-3958
1515 E. 1st St.
Tucson, AZ  85719