microform reader/printers -2 models (Ann Mallard) Marcia Tuttle 25 May 1994 16:16 UTC

Please reply to Ann Mallard, not to SERIALST.  Thanks.  -- ed.

Date:     Tue, 24 May 1994 18:30:01 -0500
From:     Ann Mallard <mallard@evanston.lib.il.us>
Subject:  microform reader/printers -2 models

        We plan to purchase several microform reader/printers.  We currently
have 2 Minolta 605Z machines with which we have been pleased overall.  We are
replacing some older Minolta 405s.  Our microform collection is 90% 35mm
positive microfilm.  We want machines that can handle at least 30,000 copies
per year.  I'd like to ask for your assistance regarding 2 machines in

        1.  Canon Microprinter 90
                I am especially concerned with the cost of their imaging
cartridge system.  Also, copy quality and on-screen legibility.

        2.  Bell & Howell ABR 2000 reader/printer
                How does it compare with higher volume r/ps such as the
Minolta 605Z or Canon MP 90?  How many copies do you make per year?  Does it
have image rotation?

        I have followed the recent opinion survey on this list about
reader/printer popularity and have seen the intro and Minolta 605Z portions of
"Library Technology Reports" July/Aug 1991, v27 no4 regarding reader/printers
for libraries.  I would appreciate any general opinions/comments you have
about either these machines or others.

        Thanks in advance!

Ann Mallard
Evanston Public Library
Evanston, IL