Oblique Newspaper Folders (Mary Youmans) Birdie MacLennan 30 May 1994 16:55 UTC

Date: Mon, 30 May 1994 08:57:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Oblique Newspaper Folders

        Jean Farrington's description of U. Pennsylvania's experience with
Oblique Newspaper Folders is a fairly accurate description of Hunter Library's
experience with them for the last twenty+ years, but we're on a much smaller
scale; we have averaged 55-60 newspapers.  For the past twelve years these
have been in open stacks.  We developed a revolving system within each title
which has cut down on the wear and tear of the folders AND REDUCED the
frustration of folders falling off the rails.  We label the folders with title
and generic dates of 1-5, 6-10, etc. according to the size and frequency of the
paper.  We set up enough folders to handle the papers until the film is
received, this also varies title by title.   We leave the folders snapped
together and  don't actually move them except in truly unusual situations.

        I have also found the Oblique system helpful in keeping certain office
files easily available to various members of the staff.  The system works
really well if you don't try to move the loaded folders around too much.

  Mary Youmans, Serials Librarian           Phone:  (704) 227-7155
  Hunter Library                            Fax:    (704) 227-7380
  Western Carolina University
  Cullowhee, NC 28723-9002