Illinois ag experiment station, etc. on microfilm THOMAS SANDERS 04 May 1994 16:39 UTC

Please reply to Thomas Sanders, not to SERIALST.  Thanks.  --ed.

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Several years ago there was a special project at Illinois to catalog microfilm
of the various state ag experiment station, etc., publications.  At the time
we wanted to buy the cataloging on tape to help us handle the largish volume
of film we had in controlled storage.  Because other projects had priority,
this never got done.  Now that the project's office is closed and the staff
apparently scattered (so that no one seems able to provide us with information
about how to acquire and load the records), we have time and money to pursue

I would like to hear from anyone who has information about whether these
records are still available en bloc and from whom (OCLC contact?) and at
what price.

I would also like to hear from anyone who acquired these records and loaded
them into a local system--what problems did you encounter, etc.  Our idea
at the moment is to load these records as a separate database under NOTIS
Inforshare and put the film into the microfilm service area just arranged
by state.  This would allow public access.  As we had time we would pull
film, compare to available records, and copy bibl record over into our
NOTIS database, editing the record as needed and adding holdings.

I hope someone one this list can at least put me into touch with someone
who knows something about the project and its bibl records.

Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University, AL (