Serials management and integration (Susan Smith) Birdie MacLennan 07 Apr 1994 17:13 UTC

Date: Wed, 06 Apr 94 14:44:00 PDT
From: Smith, Susan <>
Subject: serials management and integration

Hi, here's my first question for this list.

I use Datatrek serials module for serials management.  My library runs all
other functions using Basis Techlib.  W're now looking for a new library
management system that would incorporate serials, be networkable, run under
a GUI and possibly even use a natural language query system, or relevancy
ranking system like Personal Librarian.  Since we're just beginning to talk
about this, do any of you have recent experience in choosing an information
retrieval system or a whole library management system that does all of this?
If you couldn't find one, what would be some good options to settle for?  I
have some info. on Dynix and NOTIS, any others?  I'd love to hear from you
on the list or directly.

Susan Smith
Weyerhaeuser Technology Center
Tacoma, WA