Contracting/Outsourcing (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 06 Apr 1994 21:01 UTC

2 messages, 45 lines:

Date:         Wed, 6 Apr 1994 11:16:08 CST
From:         William Wan <s_wan@VENUS.TWU.EDU>
Subject:      Outsourcing etc


I remember back in the 70's either the NLM or some medical libraries had Majors
or one of the agencies processed their subscription and even went to their
libraries and shelved the journals. I dont have any details.  For your
immediate need maybe Ebsco or Faxon can provide you with some help.

William Wan
Assistant Director for Technical Services
Texas Woman's University Library
Denton, TX 76204-1715

E-mail: Bitnet:S_WAN@TWU
Voice: 817-898-3767

Date:         Wed, 6 Apr 1994 12:44:08 PDT
From:         "Marcia J. Whipple" <whipple@NOSC.MIL>
Subject:      contracting/outsourcing

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! for the great response to my question
about outsourcing in serials.  I have recieved many wonderful
suggestions, names, addresses, etc.

Things are gloomy here right now.  We definitely will lose up to
6 staff members, now we await the decision about who goes.  In
this kind of climate, knowledge about contracting services is
very important.  I am keeping a print file of your responses and
will use them when tasked to write a report about what could be

Thanks so much