Location Guide to the Serials Collection (Ewan Hyde) ANN ERCELAWN 22 Mar 1994 04:34 UTC

Date: Tue, 22 Mar 1994 14:39:55 GMT+1300
From: Ewan Hyde National Library of New Zealand <ATEJH@BAXTER.NATLIB.GOVT.NZ>
Subject: Location Guide to the Serials Collection

Please reply directly to Ewan Hyde, not to SERIALST. Thanks -- ed.


We have a serials collection of 40,000 titles. They are arranged by
title following an automated titles list which does not conform to
AACR2 (e.g. even items which qualify for corporate body main entry
are under title ; corporate body names are listed by smallest unit
first ; etc ; etc). The National Library's collections are closed
access, used mainly for interlibrary loan and a public reading room.

We are currently loading full bibliographic
serials records on to our ILS (Dynix) and hope to be utilizing a
serials module to manage our collections in the near future. There is
no way we can resource the reshelving of our collection either into
DDClassified order or even into AACR2 title order. We therefore need
to record in the Call No. field on the bib. record the alphabetical
location of each title. Does anyone know of a published alphabetical
scheme to do this? Has anyone out there got a similar system? We are
about to launch into creating our own system but this could be a
waste of time if any of you have already got a system, or even a
shorter job if any of you have any ideas. Here's hoping!!

This message is being crossposted to AUTOCAT, apologies for any
duplication. Please reply directly and not to the list, thanks.

Alyson Baker and Ewan Hyde

Ewan Hyde, National Library of New Zealand, atejh@baxter.natlib.got.nz