Artspace and Arts Magazine (Sarah Tusa) ANN ERCELAWN 21 Mar 1994 23:36 UTC

Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 15:32:18 -0600
From: sarah tusa <TUSA@LUB002.LAMAR.EDU>

At the request of Louise Ratliff, I am reporting the general consensus
and other bits of evidence regarding the cessation of ARTSPACE and
ARTS Magazine.  Actually, after reading a few responses, I checked
OCLC again  (It had been a number of days since I checked it last),
and record #01580772 for ARTS Magazine shows it to be ceased as of
vol 66, no. 7, March 1992.
The consensus on ARTSPACE is that it ceased with vol. 17, no. 1/2,
March/Apr 1993.
One library did report having a vol. 66, no. 8 of ARTS Magazine,
but I forgot to note who that was.  It doesn't exist per OCLC.
Sounds like they got a bonus!
Anyhow, I hope this is helpful to some.

Sarah Tusa