Re: IEE Proceedings Joanne Kuhn 11 Mar 1994 17:35 UTC

In response to Nancy Kaiser:

Hi, Nancy.  The cataloguer responsible for title changes here tells me
that the fact that new ISSNs have been assigned was the deciding
factor for her in determining that the titles have changed.  Also the
245 $p portions of the former parts f and i have changed plus a new
proceedings title has been added: Vision, image and signal processing;
this last appears to have separated from the former part i
(Communications, speech and vision) and from the former part f (Radar and
signal processing).  Hope this helps.

Joanne Kuhn
Head, Serials Cataloguing Unit
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario Canada
N2L 3G1

On Wed, 9 Mar 1994, Nancy Kaiser wrote:

> We're starting to receive our 1994 IEE proceedings.  They
> have several parts each with the main title IEE Proceedings,
> (then in 1993)  a Part A,B,etc., then a more describtive
> title such as Control Theory and Applications.
> Ex.  1993   IEE Proceedings  Part D Control Theory and
> Applications.
> 1994   IEE Proceedings  Control Theory and Applications.
> The Part has been dropped on the various parts of these
> publications.  Does this constitute a title change?
> Do I need to change all my records and delete the Part
> mention?  I'm sure how to deal with these titles.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Hope I explained this somewhat coherently.
> *********************************************************************
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> *   Nancy Kaiser                        voice (315) 792-7307        *
> *   SUNY Institute of Technology        fax (315) 792-7517          *
> *   Utica, NY 13504                                                 *
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