ABLE Binding Systems Debbie Holme 04 Mar 1994 20:43 UTC

Please respond to Debbie Holme (, not to SERIALST. -ed.

   Dear Colleagues:

   In January 1993, the University of Western Ontario Library System
commenced automated Serial Bindery preparation procedures.  The
software program we use is called ABLE (Advanced Bindery Library
Exchange Version 1.4). After one year of use, we are wondering how
many other libraries use ABLE or some other automated Bindery Software
Program ?

  In view of budget restraints, efficiency etc. we reviewed local
binding procedures to streamline in-house processing tasks.  In
January 1994, the Engineering Library ceased maintaining manual BAC
(Binding Authority Card) files.  Any information about a specific
serial title is now retained and updated in the automated ABLE bindery
software program.

        What is your impression of ABLE ?
        What do you dislike about it ?
        Are there features you would like more control over or have
        the ability to change ?
        Is there a Users Group for ABLE ?

  As an afterthought, we have just received a CD-ROM product with a
textbook. Has anyone else received material of this sort and how do
you handle them ? Do you allow them to circulate etc. ?

  Thank you very much. I will summarize if interest is expressed.

  Deborah Holme
  Processing Inventory Control Unit
  Engineering Library,
  University of Western Ontario

  phone: (519)-679-2111 ext 8280