STBS (Suzanne Curasi) Marcia Tuttle 07 Feb 1994 03:24 UTC

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Date: Fri, 4 Feb 1994 15:11:32 CST
From: Suzanne Curasi <S2C@GML.LIB.UWM.EDU>
Subject: STBS

The Golda Meir Library finished a major serials cancellation in
October (approximately 15% of the total serials budget or $250,000).
Part of the exercise was to have faculty rank titles according to
importance for the curriculum and research.  Shortly after completing
the project, we received a letter from Blackwell's sharing that
Gordon and Breach were increasing the prices of titles and that if we
didn't agree to renew by a certain date  the increase would be even
more.  (Or something like that, I no longer have the letter).  Well,
as you can see this is somewhat similar to the Faxon scenario.  While
Blackwell's left the decision up to us, it was pay up or else.

We no longer subscribe to any G & B titles.  I reviewed my list of
ten titles the Blackwell company sent to me and found that for 5
titles we had already paid for volumes two numbers beyond the last
received.  We had claims out on 4 titles and for 3 of them had
received a response that publisher said it was sent so they would not
supply.   One title seemed to have no problems but cost over $1000.
I "shared" this information with interested faculty and found
they preferred to cancel titles in their disciplines in order to
subscribe to more timely, dependable publications.

On a final note, our state auditors are constantly monitoring us for
paying for titles too far in advance. comply with state
regulations I really had no choice.   What a shame....

Suzanne Curasi*******************Internet:
Head, Acquisitions Dept.*********Bitnet: curasi@csd4.bitnet
Golda Meir Library
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
PO Box 604
Milwaukee, WI 53201**************Phone: (414) 229-6814************