MARC Holdings IG at ALA Midwinter (Kathryn Loafman) Marcia Tuttle 03 Feb 1994 03:41 UTC

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Date: Wed, 2 Feb 1994 10:24:40 CST-6CDT
From: Kathryn Loafman <KLOAFMAN@LIBRARY.UNT.EDU>
Subject: MARC Holdings IG at ALA Midwinter

[The following message is being posted to SERIALST, AUTOCAT, and
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LITA/ALCTS MARC Format for Holdings Interest Group
ALA Midwinter Meeting

DATE:  Saturday Feb. 5, 1994
TIME:  2 - 4 PM
PLACE: Los Angeles Hilton and Towers, Sawtelle

The purpose of the MARC Holdings Interest Group is to provide a
forum to educate the library community on the MARC Holdings Format,
its purpose, use, development, and implementation.

Diane Hillman, Associate Librarian and Head of Technical Services
at the Cornell Law Library, will describe the use of the 856 field
(Electronic location and access) in cataloging electronic

Please bring your suggestions for topics to be discussed at the
annual meeting in Miami.

Chair:  Kathryn Loafman, University of North Texas
        Internet =
        Voice = (817)565-2607
        FAX = (817)565-2599

Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect:  Diane Hillman, Cornell Law Library
                         Internet =
                         Voice = (607)255-5859
                         FAX = (607)255-7193----------------------------------------------------------------------
Kathryn Loafman                    Internet =
Head, Serials Cataloging Unit         Voice = (817)565-2607
University of North Texas Libraries     FAX = (817)565-2599