Electronic errata (Jeff Gatten) ANN ERCELAWN 24 Jan 1994 21:43 UTC

Date: 24 Jan 1994 16:50:37 -0400
From: Jeff Gatten <JGATTEN@LMS.KENT.EDU>
Subject: Electronic errata

O.k., I've got one.  Let's say someone publishes an article in an
electronic journal and then later wants to correct some information
in the article after it has been "published."  Let's also say the
publisher is in the habit of adding "forward references" to
already published electronic articles.  Does the publisher
a) change the original file (article) and note the change in the
file, b) issue a separate statement of correction without changing
the original file, c) change the file and issue a separate
statement, d) maintain a copy of the original file and make available
a new version of the file with the correction in it, or e) something

If the original file is incorrect and needs to be corrected, is there
any reason to keep the original if the correction is noted in the new
version?  How important is the original incorrect artifact?

Is there a definitive source where I can find the answer to the

Jeff Gatten                      *   PHONE:        (216) 672-3024
Head of Collection Management    *   FAX:          (216) 672-4811
Kent State University Libraries  *
Kent, OH 44242                   *   E-MAIL: JGATTEN@LMS.KENT.EDU