Bindery Questions (Rolfe Gjellstad) Birdie MacLennan 11 Dec 1993 22:40 UTC

In reply to Jo McClamroch:

Date:     Fri, 10 Dec 93 08:44:00 PST
From:     Rolfe Gjellstad <>
Subject:  Bindery Questions

We don't follow either of the procedures which puzzle you.  We try to
schedule binding to include all routinely published pieces of each volume.
If we know that pieces are missing, we try to acquire them before binding.
If not acquired within 6 months, we bind without them, and leave gaps in our
holdings records.  If acquired later, missing pieces are bound separately or
tipped in.  Corrections are bound in or tipped in only if the publisher sends
errata or corrigenda reports directly to us.  I don't think we could afford
to use the procedures you describe.

Rolfe Gjellstad, Yale Divinity Library,

---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
From:         Jo McClamroch <jmcclam@WILKES1.WILKES.EDU>
Subject:      Bindery Questions

I have two questions about bindery procedures.  At Wilkes University, we bind
some 400 titles of our total 1000 subscriptions.  Two procedures established
by my predecessor have me puzzled.

1.      Errata.  Every title that we bind is carefully scoured for mention of
errata, corrigienda, addenda.  If any are located, they are photocopied and
inserted in the earlier issue being corrected.

        Is this common practice?  It is very very labor intensive and I'm
puzzled about how this situation is addressed elsewhere.  I'd be grateful for
comments from small and large libraries.

2.      Indexes and Tables of Contents provided by the journal.  What do you
do with these documents, which vary greatly in size?  Custom here has been
to tape them in (no, not tip them in) even after the volume has been bound.
I think that since we subscribe only to titles that are indexed elsewhere
in the standard periodical indexes that to retain and maintain these title-
specific indexes/tables of contents is redundant, and again, very labor

Please offer me your comments and suggestions.  I am new to serials (after 5
years in reference) and will appreciate any and all help. Thanks.

        Jo McClamroch, Serials Librarian, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre PA