Re: Bindery Questions Carol Feustel 10 Dec 1993 16:09 UTC

Regarding errata:  We do not search a journal for errata.  If it is a
loose sheet that we see during checkin, it is then inserted in the
appropriate journal.  We bind about 2000 titles, and don't have the
time or the staff to search each issue.  It is my understanding the
erratum are indexed in the indexing services similar to articles.

Indices:  These are bound with the journal volume if received in time.
We are discussing using hinge tape to fasten in older indices into
already bound volumes.  Cummulative indices are bound with the mylar

We are a medical library serving the College of Medicine, University
Hospital, and the area medical community.  Due to the subject matter,
indices are used a great deal.

Carol Feustel
Serials Specialist
University of Cincinnati Medical Center Libraries