Gordon & Breach titles (Mary Page) ANN ERCELAWN 19 Nov 1993 20:46 UTC

Date: 19 Nov 1993 14:16:41 -0500
Subject: Gordon & Breach titles

Several people have written to ask about the G&B titles I mentioned in
my earlier posting to the list.  The titles that prompted our inquiry
are as follows:

Ferroelectrics  ($10,000+) - complete through v.138.  We have seen
nothing of v.139-150, for which we were invoiced (and we paid!)

Ferroelectrics Letters ($700+) - v.14 n.6, received 11/92, was the last
issue received.

We have issued numerous claims, especially for Ferroelectrics Letters,
to no avail.  Has anyone received any of these missing issues?

Based on the responses I've received personally, frustration with Gordon
& Breach is quite widespread.  In some ways, it's a relief to know that
we're not in this alone.  However, if this is G&B's standard operating
procedure, it means that we're letting them get away with some pretty
arrogant behavior....

Thanks to all who sent words of encouragement.

Mary Page
Library of Science & Medicine
Rutgers University
