ISSN Network & ISSN National Centres, A-E (Suzanne Santiago)
ANN ERCELAWN 16 Nov 1993 17:07 UTC
Date: 16 Nov 1993 08:15:43 -0800
From: Suzanne Santiago <issnic@WELL.SF.CA.US>
Subject: Information on the international ISSN network
**The list of ISSN National Centres accompanying this message is being
posted in 3 parts. The Centres are listed alphabetically by country name--ed.
Dear co-networkers,
The ISSN International Centre (formerly known as the ISDS
International Centre) has the pleasure to announce
that it now has an E-Mail address on the Internet :
The ISSN International Centre, which now coordinates the
registration work of more than 54 operational ISSN National Centres,
is an intergovernmental organization situated in Paris, France.
It publishes the ISSN Register (quarterly updated on the ISSN Compact CD-ROM,
magnetic tapes and microfiches) which contains the bibliographic records
corresponding to the ISSN assigned throughout the world by our network
(now approx. 650,000 + 40,000 each year). The ISSN International Centre is
directly responsible for the assignment of ISSN to serials published in
countries with no ISSN National Centre.
The ISSN International Centre is also the maintenance agency for the
List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations (ISO 4).
The Director of the ISSN International Centre is Ms Suzanne Santiago.
You will find underneath the addresses of the ISSN International Centre
and of the different ISSN National Centres. These different ISSN Centres
are happy to help the community of ISSN users (publishers, librarians,
subscription agents etc.).
Please contact your national ISSN Centre for all general inquiries concerning
the network, ISSN assignment, ISSN rules, ISSN based barcoding etc.
The ISSN International Centre in Paris will answer any inquiry concerning the
ISSN Register and the List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations.
Other ISSN National Centres may help you if you need specific information
concerning serials published in a given country (for example the address
of a publisher).
If you are interested by the ISSN or the ISSN Register, an information brochure
on ISSN and the ISSN network can be obtained from your ISSN National Centre or
from the ISSN International Centre.
Pierre Godefroy
Assistant to the Director of the ISSN International Centre
addresses :
Suzanne Santiago
ISSN International Centre
20 rue Bachaumont
75002 PARIS
Tel : (33 1)42 36 73 81
Fax : (33 1)40 26 32 43
Telex : 219847 F
E-Mail (Internet) :
National ISSN Centres :
Monsieur M. Benhamadi
Centre National Algerien de l'ISSN
Centre de Recherche sur l'Information
Scientifique et Technique - CERIST
Rue des Freres A ss ou Ben
Aknoun Alger
Tel: (213 2)79 00 42 (213 2)79 01 96, 79 18 21
Fax: (213 2)79 21 26
Telex: 0408 61328 RIST DZ
Dr. Tito Suter
Centro Nacional Argentino del ISSN
Centro Argentino de Informacion
Cientifica y Tecnologica
Moreno 431 - 3er. Piso
(1091) Buenos Aires
Tel: (54 1)342 1777 (54 1)343 5749
Fax: Fax/Tel(54 1)342 1777
E-Mail: (RAN) y (ReCyt)
Telex: 033 22414 CEDOC AR
Ms Jan Fullerton
Australian ISSN Agency
National Library of Australia
Canberra ACT 2600
Tel: (61 6)262 1213
Fax: (61 6)273 4492
Telex: 071 Libaust AA62100
Monsieur Tony Verschaffel
Centre national de l'ISDS
Bibliotheque Royale Albert 1er
Boulevard de l'Empereur, 4
B-1000 Bruxelles/Brussel
Tel: (32 2)519 53 76
Telex: 046 21157
Mr Jayme Leiro Vilan Filho
Centro Brasileiro do ISSN
Instituto Brasileiro de Informa ao
em Ciencia e Tecnologia
SAS - Quadra 05 - Lote 06 - Bloco H
6× Andar S/611
70070-000 - Brasilia, DF
Tel: (55 61)225 9676 (55 61)217 6261
Fax: (55 61)226 2677
Telex: 038 612481 CICT BR
Madame Antoaneta Totomanova
Bulgarian National ISSN Centre
St. St. Cyril and Methodius
National Library
Boul. Vassil Levski 11
1504 Sofija
Tel: (359 2)88 28 11
Fax: (359 2)88 16 00
Telex: 067 22432 Natlib Bg
Mr Wayne Jones
ISSN Canada
National Library of Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A ON4
Tel: (1 819)953 2718
Fax: (1 819)953 0291
Telex: 021 0534311 Natlib Ott
Srta. Ana Maria Prat Trabal
Departamento de Informacion
Centro nacional del ISDS
Comision nacional de Investigacion
Cientifica y Tecnologica - CONICYT
Casilla 297-V
Correo 21, Canada 308
Santiago 9
Tel: (56 2)274 4537
Fax: (56 2)209 6729
Telex: 034 340191 CNCT CK
Sra. Maria Eugenia Garz›n de Mora
Centro nacional del ISSN
ICFES - Instituto Colombiano para el
Fomento de la Educaci›n Superior
Division de Informaci›n y Documentaci›n
Avenida Eldorado No 44 A - 40
Apartado Aereo 6319
Tel: (57 1)287 71 58
Fax: (57 1)286 80 45 (57 1)286 80 16
Telex: 035 42304 ICFES CO
Ms Jasenka Zajec
Hrvatski ISDS centar
Institute for Information Sciences
Trg marsala Tita 3
P.O.Box 327
41001 Zagreb
Tel: (385 41)428 539
Fax: (385 41)427 903
Telex: 062 22486 RCSZGH YU
Ph Dr. Jan Bayer
Ceske narodni stredisko ISSN
Czech ISSN National Centre
Statni technicka knihovna
Marianske nam. 5
P.O.Box 206
110 01 Praha 1
Fax: Tel/Fax(42 2)24 22 92 24
Mrs. Esther Skaarup
ISSN Denmark
Det Kongelige Bibliothek
Danish Department
Christians Brygge 8
DK - 1219 Kobenhavn K
Tel: (45 33)93 01 11 Ext: 459 (45 33)15 01 11
Fax: (45 33)12 18 76
Telex: 055 15009
Mr Mohamed Moawad
Egyptian National STI Network
Academy of Scientific Research
and Technology (ENSTINET/ASRT)
101 Kasr El Ainy Street
P.O.Box 1522 Attaba
Tel: (20 2)355 72 53 (20 2)356 44 21
Fax: (20 2)354 78 07
Telex: 091 22577 STI UN