Electronic Serials (message & editorial response) Greg Bull 08 Nov 1993 18:17 UTC

We are exploring the possibility of subscribing to several electronic journals.
However, we are uncertain on how to handle them.  We do not catalog our
periodicals, so that is not an issue.  However, we were unsure how to make
them available to our patrons, e.g. ftp them to a disk, make a terminal
or PC available for public use, copy them to paper and file or shelve
them?  Any information on what other libraries do would be appreciated.
My apologies if this topic has previously come up for discussion.
I am new to this listserv.

Thanks again for your help.

Greg Bull
Serials Librarian
University of St. Thomas

Greg,  If you are new to the list you might try searching the archives,
as this discussion has come up before.  You can search by using the usual
LDBASE database search queries  (send an "info database" request to:
listserv@uvmvm.uvm.edu  for more information), or you can search the
archives via the UVM gopher  (gopher to:  gopher.uvm.edu, port 70).

Also, I can suggest some literature that you (and others) might be
interested in:

   Manoff, Marlene, et al.  "Report of the Electronic Journals Task Force,
     MIT Libraries,"  Serials Review 18:1/2 (Spring/Summer 1992): 113-129.

   Manoff, Marlene, et al.  "The MIT Libraries Electronic Journals Project:
     Reports on Patron Access and Technical Processing," Serials Review 19:3
     (Fall 1993): 15-40.

   McMillan, Gail.  "Embracing the Electronic Journal: One Library's Plan,"
     Serials Librarian 21:2/3 (1991): 97-108.

   McMillan, Gail.  "Technical Processing of Electronic Journals," Library
     Resources & Technical Services 36:4 (Oct. 1992): 470-470.

   Cornell Library Task Force on E-Journals. "Final Report" (June 7, 1993).
     Available by anonymous FTP to host:  library.cornell.edu ; in the
     directory:  pub/acqnet/misc.reports ; filename: ejo.report.txt (ASCII

Also, e-journals are a frequent topic of conversation on the list:
VPIEJ-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU (e-journals: publishing, archiving, access issues).

Also, and although e-journals have been discussed previously on SERIALST,
more comments and discussion would be welcome in reply to Greg.

I hope this is of some help.

    Birdie MacLennan
    SERIALST Listowner/Moderator    bmaclenn@uvmvm.bitnet
    University of Vermont           bmaclenn@uvmvm.uvm.edu