Re: AHA publications CL WOLFSON, please. 06 Nov 1993 19:22 UTC

In reply to Hannah King:

To expand on my original message.  We, the AHS Library, are not
members of AHA.  But we are able to get the member rate by
indicating that we do serve a member of AHA, which is our hospital.
Also, we do not include the University Medical Center member number,
because we don't know it, either, just as you don't.  But as long as
we indicate that we serve them, this seems to work.

We have gotten some of AHA publications from vendors, I believe also
at the membership rate, but I will have to check that out.  I am
writing this late after shutting down all our computers and can't
check right now.  I will next week.


     Catherine L. Wolfson, M.L.S.
                   Arizona Health Sciences Library
                        University of Arizona
            602/626-2927 (voice)       602/626-2922 (fax)