Re: Serials Management Systems Query Joe Edelen, University of South Dakota 02 Nov 1993 15:11 UTC

In reply to Elaine Warner:

I wouldn't recommend starting a new system now if you know that you are going
to NOTIS in three years.  I would either wait it out or try to shorten the
three years.   Getting started in a serials control system is no small task,
and to change to another system is not much less labor intensive.

**  Joe Edelen                          I.D. Weeks Library                 **
**  Bibliographic Control Librarian     University of South Dakota         **
**  605-677-6082                        414 East Clark Street              **
**  605-677-5488 (fax)                  Vermillion, SD  57069-2390         **
**  Internet: JEDELEN@CHARLIE.USD.EDU                                      **
**  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **
**  The views herein expressed are mine alone and not necessarily those    **
**  of my institution.                                                     **
**  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **