Summary: Subscription Agents Law Library Acquisitions 01 Nov 1993 18:27 UTC

Cross-posted to Serialst and Law-Lib:

Last month I cross-posted to Serialst and to Law-Lib a query
regarding subscription agents.  Thank you to those who responded!
I was asked to do a summary, so here it is, broken down
by which type of library responded -- college/university and
law (includes private and academic). Those who responded use
the following agents and regard their services favorably.

                # of replies    # of replies
AGENT           COLLEGE/UNIV    LAW             TOTAL
------          ------------    ------------    -----

Dawson          2               -               2

Ebsco           4               4               8

Hein            -               6               6

Readmore        2               1               3

Rothman         -               2               2

                ----            ----            ----

TOTAL           8               13              21


 \@_   Marsha Skoman, Acquisitions Librarian   /
 /     Opperman Law Library, Drake University  /  Des Moines, Iowa