"Should Librarians Become Publishers?" (Marcia Tuttle) Marcia Tuttle 23 Oct 1993 05:53 UTC

The Society for Scholarly Publishing is pleased to announce new LOWER
REGISTRATION FEES for the "Should Librarians Become Publishers" seminar to
be held Wednesday, November 3 in Charleston, South Carolina.  This
seminar, chaired by Library Journal editor-in-chief, John Berry III, and
Katina Strauch, Head Collection Development, College of Charleston,
addresses the possibilities and perils faced by the library community
should they assume the role of publisher in an electronic environment.

The new rates are for all attendees:

                    Full Day Registration $99.00
                    Half Day Registration  $60.00

Maximize your attendance at the Charleston Conference that week by
attending (for even a half-day!) this exciting program at the Omni Hotel
featuring the following speakers:

"Publishing in the Electronic Environment: Brave New Author" -- Becky
Lenzini, CARL Systems, Inc.

"Publishing in the Electronic Environment:  Brave New Library" -- Joe
Boykin, Clemson University

"Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Authors' Rights" -- John Cox,

"The Library As Author" -- Ann Hartman, Research Publications, Inc.

"The Death of the Scholarly Monograph" -- Richard Abel, Consultant

"The Role of Partnering in the Publishing Relationship" -- Julie Gammon,
University of Akron

"The Consortium as Publisher" -- Frank Grisham, SOLINET

Join us at the Omni Hotel, Charleston Place for a day or a half-day for
discussion of this timely topic.


The Omni Hotel at Charleston Place, 130 Market Street, Charleston, South
Carolina 29401.  Please phone: (803) 722-4900 for reservations.  Group
Rate based on availability:  $152 (plus applicable taxes).  Mention "SSP
Seminar" to qualify.


Please print out a hard copy of the registration form and FAX to SSP's
office at (303) 422-8894.

Last Name:                                      First Name:
Title:                                          Organization:
City:                       State:              ZIP:
Phone:                      FAX:                E-Mail:

____ Full Day Registration $99.00

____ Half-Day Registration $60.00

I ___ am  ____ am not a member of SSP.

Do you need disabled or other special services?   Yes   No
  If yes, please describe:

Vegetarian Meal Required?   Yes   No

$_________Amount Enclosed

_____This form confirms a FAX registration.

____ Check made payable to SSP  ____  Visa  ____  MC

Credit Card #:                                   Exp Date:
Name of Cardholder:

____     Please send me SSP membership information.

CANCELLATION POLICY:  Full refund for cancellation received at least one
week prior to the seminar date. All others subject to $25 service fee.
There are no refunds for cancellations received less than 72 hours prior
to the seminar.

Society for Scholarly Publishing
10200 West 44th Ave., #304
Wheat Ridge, CO  80033
Phone:  (303) 422-3914
FAX:    (303) 422-8894
E-Mail: 5686814@MCIMail.com

--submitted by Marcia Tuttle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill