Re: Union List on CD (Katherine Johnson) ANN ERCELAWN 20 Oct 1993 16:10 UTC

Date: 20 Oct 1993 11:30:44 -0400
From: "S. Katherine Johnson" <S.Katherine.Johnson@CC.GETTYSBURG.EDU>
Subject: RE: Union List on CD (Chia-Ching Chang)

Speaking as a member of that same consortium (ACLCP)...

I just got back from the annual PALINET meeting, where they disclosed
one of their latest services, PALDB.  The company will create databases
for a fee, on CD-ROM if we want.  We were going to bring up the idea at
the ACLCP meeting, but you might want to call up PALINET ahead of time for

Even though this sounds like a private message, I have puposely sent this
to SERIALST in case other readers might be interested.  PALINET is our
regional OCLC network.

S. Katherine Johnson
Asst. Technical Services Librarian
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA  17325                     (717 337-7017)
> Date: 15 Oct 1993 18:12:06 -0400
> From: Chia-Ching Chang <CCCHANG@JADE.BUCKNELL.EDU>
> Subject: Union List on CD
> At Associated College Libraries of Central Pennsylvania, a consortium of
> 19 mostly liberal arts college libraries, we have been looking into the
> feasibility of producing a union list of periodicals on CD.  There are about
> 27,000 titles and 61,000 local data records in the database. Aside from
> option, could any one share some experience with us concerning its production
> cost and vendor's name, address, telephone no., etc.?  Thank you very much.
> Please send your reply to:     CASE@SHRSYS.HSLC.ORG
> Chia-Ching Chang
> Serials Librarian
> Bertrand Library
> Bucknell University
> Lewisburg, PA 17837-2086