Bill Gentz wrote:
>I've been trying to get more info on what NST wants non-CONSER libraries
>to do regarding reporting holdings since they were downsizing. ...
2 responses; 30 lines:
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 1993 09:13:34 +0700
From: James Mouw <mouw@MIDWAY.UCHICAGO.EDU>
Subject: Re: NST reporting
re: NST Reporting
I have had an "official" response from NST regarding NST reporting. This
came in an e-mail exchange with Regina Reynolds.
The answer was: Yes, we are no longer doing anything with the non-CONSER
reports and you should stop sending them. Based on that response, we did
stop sending cards to NST.
Jim Mouw
University of Chicago
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1993 09:11:00 CST
Subject: NST
I just spoke to someone (who did not identify himself) at LC Serials in re
the question of sending cards for NST. He said "NST no longer exists."
He was in a hurry to get off the telephone, so I got no other information
except that we (non-CONSER libraries) were not to send more cards. I
assume from his comment and tone that there will no longer be a publication
called "New Serial Titles". Does anyone have more information about this?
Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University, AL (tsanders@auducvax)