The following information is being cross-listed on multiple listservs. Please excuse any inconvenience. ********************************************************************** THE ELECTRONIC LIBRARY: ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES FOR ORGANIZATION & ACCESS INSTITUTE Sponsored by The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, A Division of the American Library Association ********************************************************************** Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, OH Oct. 16-17, 1993 (Program will occur immediately prior to the EDUCOM meeting) ********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES: In what promises to be a watershed event in defining the future of electronic scholarly information systems, ALCTS is sponsoring this program to provide senior-level decision makers with information which they need to articulate a vision and formulate strategies for their institutions as they move from trends and concepts (like Gophers and WAIS) to the concrete reality of electronic libraries. Administrators need information about * design principles * governance issues * staffing and service concerns * potential outcome of electronic libraries Geared specifically to the needs of senior level decision makers (such as directors and associate directors) of libraries and computing facilities, this institute will focus on administrative concerns and will be generally non-technical in nature. Participants will receive information necessary to * articulate the vision * formulate the strategies for the local institutional planning process. METHODS: Presentation of papers and case studies with live demonstrations will be among the educational techniques used. In addition, breaks will provide an opportunity to speak with vendors who are in the forefront of providing services to the electronic library. AUDIENCE: The institute, to be held immediately prior to the 1993 EDUCOM meeting in Cincinnati, has been designed for upper-level administrators (deans, directors, associate directors) from libraries and computer centers in academic and other institutions who are interested in providing electronic information to their users. LOCATION AND HOUSING: Both the institute and accommodations are at the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati, where rooms are $125 for a single or a double. Other Cincinnati hotels may also have rooms available. The deadline for housing is Oct. 1. FEES: Fees for the institute are $225 for ALCTS members; $265 for ALA members; $305 for non-ALA members. Registration fees include instructional materials, refreshment breaks, and continental breakfast and full lunch on Sunday. MEALS: The institute will provide complimentary morning or afternoon beverages (depending on day), a cash bar reception Saturday, and continental breakfast and luncheon on Sunday. Dinner is on your own Saturday. REGISTRATION: To register by mail, fill out the attached Registration Form, and include with payment or governmental purchase. Forms postmarked by Sept. 24 will be accepted for on a first come basis. Register by phone or fax using the numbers on the registration form. Registration will be limited to 80 persons and is open to libraries of all sizes, types and geographic locations. Cancellations will be accepted only until Sept. 24 (subject to a $25 processing fee). ALCTS reserves the right to cancel the institute if there is insufficient registration or for other reasons. Neither ALA nor ALCTS is responsible for cancellation charges assessed by airlines or travel agencies, or other losses incurred due to cancellation of the institute. FACULTY: - Arnold Hirshon, University Librarian, Wright State Univ. - Jill Ellsworth, Assistant Professor, Southwest Texas State Univ. - Michael Buckland, Professor, Univ. of California at Berkeley SLIS - Brian L. Hawkins, Vice President for Academic Planning & Administration, Brown University - Jeffrey Trzeciak, Head, Automation Services, Wright State Univ. - Beth Shapiro, University Librarian, Rice Univ. - Kevin Long, Director of Educational and Research Computing, Rice Univ. - Peter Graham, Associate University Librarian for Technical and Networked Information Services, Rutgers Univ. - Malcolm Getz, Associate Provost for Information Services and Technology, Vanderbilt Univ. - David Penniman, President, Council on Library Resources - Others to be announced PLANNING COMMITTEE: Chair: Arnold Hirshon (University Librarian, Wright State Univ.); Peter Graham (Associate University Librarian for Technical and Networked Information Services, Rutgers); Joan Mitchell (Editor, Dewey Decimal Classification); Gail McMillan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ.); Karen Whittlesey (ALCTS liaison). PROGRAM OUTLINE SATURDAY, OCT. 16 12:00-1:00 p.m. Registration 1:00-1:30 p.m. Welcome and Overview of the Institute: >From Virtual Libraries to Working Reality: The Challenge to "Just Do It!" Arnold Hirshon, Wright State Univ. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Keynote Address: The Electronic Library: If You Build It, Will They Come? Jill Ellsworth, Southwest Texas State Univ. Ms. Ellsworth will address the implications of electronic communications. Is the user population ready to accept these new systems, especially with the technology being in a state of transition? Will users give up their comfortable present systems for the promises of tomorrow? How does electronic information change how people do their research? How do planners of these systems who come from different organizational cultures (librarians, computing personnel, and faculty and students) come together to make the promise a reality? 2:30-3:15 p.m. Vendor Demonstrations and Break 3:15-4:45 p.m. Electronic Information: What Is It and How Do We Organize It?: Putting It Together: The Principles of Information Access Michael Buckland, Univ. of California at Berkeley SLIS Dr. Buckland will explore the design of electronic libraries from the user perspective. What new approaches are needed so that users can receive information in dynamic ways in an electronic environment that goes beyond traditional subject access? What are the principles of good information access systems? What did we do in the past that we should build upon, and what should we throw out? Case Study #1: Example of an Early Implementation of an Electronic Library System Jeffrey Trzeciak, Wright State Univ. Case Study # 2: Example of an Advanced Implementation Presenter to be Announced The case studies will provide live demonstrations and information about implementation of local electronic library systems to access electronic information. 5:00-6:00 p.m. Reception and Cash Bar SUNDAY, OCT. 17 8:00-9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 9:00-10:30 a.m. Internal Organizational Issues: Re-engineering the Organization for the Virtual Library: Staffing and Service Issues Beth Shapiro and Kevin Long, Rice Univ. Ms. Shapiro and Mr. Long will explore the considerations for repositioning the staff and organizational structure to exploit the potential of electronic information. How does the nature of electronic information change the nature of the services we provide? How do we redefine reference services, library and computing user consulting services, cataloging operations, etc.? What changes may be needed to instructional and training programs? How can the staff of different operations on campus work together in a new information environment? How will institutions meet the needs of remote users who are accessing information on the network but who are not in the library building or computing center? Moving Beyond Traditional Electronic Services: Collection, Access and Text Management Issues Peter Graham, Rutgers Univ. Mr. Graham will address selection, preservation, access, and text creation. How does the institution select the services to which it will provide access? How do you move beyond abstracting and indexing services to provide full text services? What should the institution consider purcha sing and housing locally, and what might be better provided through client/servers on the Internet? How does a library decide whether to purchase a title solely electronically or in print? What are the implications for the preservation of electronic information? What role can or should the local institution play in generating new electronic information or in developing access systems on the network? 10:30-11:15 p.m. Demonstrations and Break 11:15 a.m-12:15 p.m. The Economics of Information: The Price of Doing Business in the Virtual Environment Malcolm Getz, Vanderbilt Univ. Dr. Getz will engage the participants in an exploration of the costs of electronic information and in practical strategies to pay those costs. What costs will the institution have to bear for site licenses, NREN charges, publisher charges, transaction fees? What decisions must the institution face as it budgets simultaneously for print and electronic information? How much longer can we expect _free_ information on the Internet, and what collaborative strategies might be available to institutions to conserve financial resources? What role will the commercial vendors and publishers play in establishing prices and pricing mechanisms? What strategies are available to the institution to pay these costs? What are the short-term and long-term prospects for user fees, chargebacks, payment from the library materials and access budget, reallocation from other operating funds, budget augmentations, grants, foundations, etc.? What are the benefits or problems with each of the strategies? 12:15-2:00 p.m. Lunch 2:00-3:15 p.m. External Organizational Issues: The Role of the Library in the Development of the Electronic Library and The Role of Campus Computing Services in the Development of the Electronic Library - Brian L. Hawkins, Vice President for Academic Planning & Administration, Brown University - Additional Speaker to be Announced Speakers will explore the major issues confronting decision makers on how to best provide access to electronic information. What is the importance of the electronic library in the delivery of scholarly information? How do all information providers work collaboratively? What are some strategies for developing a clear mission and roles for each of the major information providers on campus? What incentives can the university provide to encourage groups to work together? Who will be responsible for collecting, storing, organizing and providing different types of information? What will be the role of external agencies such as publishers, external utilities, etc.? What are some of the legal implications involved with electronic information (such as copyright)? 3:15-4:00 p.m. Approaching the Future: National Trends and Local Challenge: The New Electronic World Order: Implications for Local Development David Penniman, Council on Library Resources With the Internet on the throes of becoming the NREN, Dr. Penniman will address the national trends in electronic scholarly communication, and the impact that it will have within a local institutional environment. ================================== Registration Form (4520) Association for Library Collections & Technical Services Electronic Library: Administrative Issues for Organization & Access Institute Oct.16-17, 1993 You may register by phone, fax, E-mail, or mail. Mail: Complete this page and mail it with payment to: Electronic Library Institute, ALCTS/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Fax: Complete this page and fax with payment information to 312-280-3257. Phone: Call Yvonne McLean at 800-545-2433, extension 5032 to register. E-Mail: Send registration information to Yvonne A. McLean at (credit card or purchase order only). Check, money order, governmental purchase order, or credit card charge must accompany registration to reserve space at the institute. Please reserve my space for the Electronic Library: Administrative Issues for Organization & Access Institute. __ Check or Money Order __ Governmental Purchase Order __ VISA __ Master Card __ American Express Card number______________________________________ Expires ____________ Signature (Signature required for all charges) _________________________________________________ __ ALA/ALCTS Personal Member $225 __ ALA Personal Member $265 __ Non-ALA Member $305 (Staff members of organizational members cannot be considered personal members.) Name (as it should appear on badge) ____________________________ Title __________________________________________________________ Name (as it should appear on badge) ____________________________ Organization address ___________________________________________ City ___________________________ State _________ Zip _________ Preferred mailing address City ___________________________ State _________ Zip _________ Telephone (Office) ( ) _______________________ (Home) ( ) __________________________ E-Mail Address ________________________________________ ALA Membership Number _________________________________