Successive vs. Latest Entry Cataloging (2 messages)
Birdie MacLennan 15 Sep 1993 02:04 UTC
2 messages, 91 lines:
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 17:28:22 CDT
From: Ian Fairclough <SHFAIR@LSUVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Successive entry vs. latest entry
Dear SERIALST subscribers,
I would greatly appreciate seeing debate on this topic. May I
suggest that responses be posted to the list. Actually, I subscribed
to SERIALST for the first time a couple of weeks ago, hoping to see
this issue raised. It didn't take long!
Speaking for myself, of course, I am, sincerely,
Ian Fairclough
Head of Cataloging
LSU in Shreveport
BITNET: shfair@lsuvm
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1993 21:47:04 EDT
From: Birdie MacLennan <BMACLENN@UVMVM>
Subject: Latest/Successive Entry: A SERIALST Search
Hi, This was a hot topic on SERIALST back in 1990 and every now
and again it re-surfaces. I ran a quick search through the logs
earlier this evening and found several messages on the topic.
The full text of the messages may be retrieved by sending the
following message (a search template) to : LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU
Beneath the search template is the index of the results of
the search. The "Recs" column indicates the length of each
message (i.e., number of lines).
More (and current!) discussion of latest/successive entry
cataloging is welcome on SERIALST.
Birdie MacLennan
SERIALST Listowner/Moderator bmaclenn@uvmvm.bitnet
University of Vermont
----------------------clip here---------------------
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD *
Search successive latest catalog -
in serialst
print all
------------------------clip here--------------------
The search yielded the following index:
> Search successive latest catalog -
> in serialst
--> Database SERIALST, 26 hits.
> Index
Item # Date Time Recs Subject
------ ---- ---- ---- -------
000028 90/11/01 11:39 14 Latest entry cataloging?
000030 90/11/02 08:57 19 Latest entry-not at IaU
000033 90/11/02 13:46 40 Latest entry cataloging
000050 90/11/05 12:44 16 Latest/earliest entry cataloging and successive en+
000059 90/11/06 17:29 22 Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging for se+
000060 90/11/07 08:42 15 correction to latest/successive
000061 90/11/07 10:09 41 Re: Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging fo+
000067 90/11/07 18:14 24 Re: Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging fo+
000073 90/11/08 08:58 20 Re: Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging fo+
000074 90/11/08 09:04 18 Re: Latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging fo+
000079 90/11/08 12:28 25 latest/earliest/successive entry cataloging
000081 90/11/08 12:47 17 Re: latest/earliest/successive entry
000083 90/11/08 17:43 39 Re: latest/earliest/successive entry
000085 90/11/09 18:19 25 earliest/latest/successive entry cataloging
000086 90/11/12 10:49 29 Re: earliest/latest/successive entry cataloging
000089 90/11/14 17:28 21 latest/earliest/successive entry
000100 90/11/20 08:04 27 successive/latest entry cataloging
000148 90/12/11 14:18 53 Reply to Aimmee
000152 90/12/13 09:10 47 successive entry
000595 91/05/23 08:25 49 Re: NASIG cataloguers'discussion group meeting
000794 91/09/11 09:32 22 latest entry cataloguing
000797 91/09/11 16:59 63 Re: latest entry cataloguing
001846 93/01/26 16:39 35 Indexing linking fields
001887 93/02/09 17:01 71 Help cataloging serial maps (fwd)
002238 93/06/07 13:21 95 IEEE title changes/Latest entry cataloging (3 mess+
002464 93/09/14 18:15 41 Successive entry vs. latest entry