I would like to address a question to NOTIS users. Please excuse the
duplication on serialst and notisser.
Until now we have not been applying a standard in coding the holdings
statement in the MHLD record, but we are planning to do so in the future. I
would very much like to ask a few questions of those librarians who have
experience applying either the ANSI Z39.44-1986 standard or the proposed
ANSI/NISO Z39.71-199X standard for coding holdings statements.
My first questions is regarding the proposed standard. I have in hand a copy
of it which is dated August 1, 1991. On page 16-17, in the table which
indicates which fields are mandatory and which are optional, it shows that for
level 3 and 4 the coding of the "status data area" is optional although the
coding of each of the individual elements within this area is shown as
mandatory. Is the "O" for optional a mistake? Also, this is indicated as
mandatory in the ANSI Z39.44-1986 version.
Please reply to me directly, I promise not to ask you too many questions.
Elena Romaniuk
University of Victoria, McPherson Library
Victoria, B.C., Canada
(604) 721-8261 BITNET: ENGIN@UVVM Internet: ENGIN@UVVM.UVic.CA