Performance Standards/Quotas (Crystal Graham)
Birdie MacLennan 13 Sep 1993 02:57 UTC
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 1993 04:44:00 -0800
As the newly-appointed head of serials cataloging at the University of
California, San Diego, I am expected to set up performance standards for the
catalogers. Does anybody have targets, quotas, expectations, etc., they would
be willing to share?
I know there is a great temptation to flare about the injustice of it all --
reference librarians don't have quotas, quality is more important than
quantity, some serials are thorny problems, etc., etc. In monographic
cataloging I found the yardstick of 1 hour per original record to be a fairly
reliable average, but I have no clue for serials. I recognize that in serials
cataloging, original cataloging is sometimes much easier than
reconciling the OCLC copy with the piece in hand.
All that said, I really do have to come up with some numbers.
Please reply to me personally (as well as the List if you like). Thanks!
Crystal Graham
University of California, San Diego