Committee to Study Serials Cataloging: Summary Report Eleanor Cook 29 Sep 1993 19:32 UTC


The first meeting of the ALCTS Serials Section Committee to
Study Serials Cataloging, was principally concerned with the
upcoming reconfiguration of the Committee and the dissolution of
the Serials Section. The Committee may continue as a serials
cataloging discussion group under the direct auspices of ALCTS.
These changes may be implemented within one to two years. The other
important issues discussed included planning for a preconference or
series of regional institutes, the schedule for format integration,
and efforts to establish a liaison relationship with the cataloging
discussion group of NASIG (North American Serials Interest Group).
The meeting was held on Sunday, June 27, 1993, from 11 am to 12 pm,
at the 1993 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA.

At the Committee's second meeting, format integration was discussed
again, and it was announced that it will not be implemented until
1995. Organizational structure issues regarding the Committee and
the Section were revisited. A resolution of appreciation for the
efforts of former longtime LC Liaison Dorothy Glasby was presented
to the group by the Chair. Liaison reports followed, including
those of the Acting LC Liaison, the CC:DA Liaison, and a Committee
Intern who attended relevant MARBI meetings. Items reported on were
those related to cataloging of serials. Highlights from these reports
include: LC is considering not using uniform titles for serials that
are translations or other language editions. They are also reviewing a
draft Rule Interpretation that reduces the number of added entries
needed for variants of variant titles. A specific question, submitted
by Patricia McCoy, D'Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago,
concerning changes of frequency statements within serial titles was
discussed; a recommendation for LC to draft a rule interpretation to
alleviate this problem was made, and representatives from LC agreed to
look into the matter.

Submitted by: Carolyn Havens, Auburn University, Committee Intern


Complete minutes of this meeting are available from ALCTS.
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